From design to implementation – with our interdisciplinary team, we initiate, support and implement renewable energy projects. Our goal is a stable and sustainable energy transition.
Renewable energy generation
Global energy consumption continues to increase year on year. In order to conserve resources and guarantee an environmentally friendly and climate-friendly energy supply in the future, efforts are being made to expand energy generation using renewable energy. Hydropower, photovoltaics and wind energy all have a part to play. Offshore wind energy is particularly important. The Stablegrid Group has many years of experience in project planning and coordination and in approval and certification management, including intensive communication with officials and environmental support for projects.
Energy transmission
The energy transition poses challenges for energy supply networks. The fluctuating generation of renewable energy places new demands, particularly on the power grid. Moreover, in most cases, renewable electricity is not generated at the locations where consumption takes place. This means that large quantities of electrical energy must be transported over long distances and the capacities of transmission networks must be increased. The Stablegrid Group plans and coordinates both national and international grid expansion projects.
Energy storage & hydrogen
Due to the volatile power output of decentralised wind and solar systems, it will be necessary in future to store larger quantities of energy. One promising solution in this area is water electrolysis, whereby the electrical energy can be stored chemically in the form of hydrogen. The services offered by the Stablegrid Group cover the entire process: connecting to the existing power grid, producing hydrogen using electrolysers, injecting and withdrawing hydrogen and utilising it or reconverting it. As a patent owner of dual directional salt cavern storage facilities, the Stablegrid Group specialises in this area.
Dismantling of nuclear power plants
It is the German Federal Government’s stated objective to phase out all nuclear power by 2022. Linked to this is the immediate dismantling of a nuclear plant once it has been shut down; this is also provided for in the German Atomic Energy Act. The aim is to safely and efficiently dismantle the power plant, in compliance with stringent official regulations (including those relating to radiation protection), so that the site can be rewilded or used in some other way. When it comes to efficiently managing the dismantling of power plants, the Stablegrid Group’s particular core expertise lies in planning and coordination, visualisation (3D planning), static evaluation, construction site management and radiation protection advice.
Research & development
To meet the challenges of tomorrow, many areas in the energy sector need to innovate and work on constantly perfecting existing processes. One of the ways in which the Stablegrid Group helps to actively shape these processes is through its involvement in the LARISSA research project, which investigates the use of salt caverns as long-term storage facilities for hydrogen. The Group also contributes to DIN committees and a variety of associations. Our aim is to constantly link theoretical research knowledge with practical implementation and in this way generate the greatest possible benefit for society.